2GOPERU.com - Your travel Pro to Peru
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Highlands Tour
Tour Trail Combo
Inca/Ancient Peru
Mystical World

Cusco/Machu Picchu
Inca Trail Trek
Amazon Jungle
Macaw Lick
Tambopata Center
Manu Reserve
Lake Titicaca
Bingham Trek

Exact Match

September 15 - 30, 2001

In 1911 Hiram Bingham under the assistance of Yale University went in search of the lost city of the Inca known as Vilcabamba. Starting in Cuzco on February1, 1911 on a normal rainy day, Bingham set out with crew by means of mules and foot on a expedition that would change the archaeological world. On July 24, 1911 after months of traveling from point to point he and crew set camp on the edge of a sandy beach below a canyon. It is here that Bingham lucked upon a local taverner/campesino, Malichoir Artega. It seemed that he was aware of many stone structures above the canyon. Bingham beckoned Artega for his knowledge and assistance for a fare pay of about one Peruvian silver dollar to guide him to the top. So on that cool drizzly day at 10:00 a.m. they departed for the site. During the trek they met two other peasants just after 12:00 p.m. living on the mountain near some cleared terraces. On that afternoon, July 24, 1911 at about 2:30 p.m. Bingham reached the summit and viewed for the first time what is now known as Machu Picchu.
In doing so, laid claim to the most important Scientific Discovery of South American Archaeological history.

This trek was recently recreated by Lucretia Bingham the noted adventure travel writer / photographer & grand daughter of the founder of Machu Picchu. At the request of Conde Nast’s Traveler Magazine, Ms Bingham, contacted TAMBO TOURS for the guidance & assistance in mapping out the historic trek. In doing so, TAMBO TOURS made this trip a reality in the fall of 2000 when Ms Bingham went to Peru and completed this incredible trek.

On September 15, 2001 Lucretia Bingham will be the noted guest on treks to Machu Picchu & then to Espiritu Pampa. Each of these trips will have a maximum of 16 persons including a film crew to documant the actuall full trip that Hiram Bingham made on his scientific explorations of this region. The dates for each trip are...

PART I: September 15-23, 2001 is 9 Days / 8 Nights
PART II: September 20-30, 2001 is 11 Days / 10 Nights.

Availability is very limited and this trip is All inclusive of internal flights, hotels, meals, tours, english & multi-lingual speaking guide, cook, camp gear, portage of equipment,transfers & entry fees.

September 15 - 23, 2001
9 Days / 8 Nights

Day 1- Sept. 15th-Arrive into Lima transfer on your own for the flight to Cuzco. Our staff will meet and transfer you to the hotel. Afternoon City tour of Cuzco and the sites of Koricancha, Tambo Machay, Kenko, Pucapucara and Sacsayhauman. Early evening return to your hotel. Overnight at your hotel. ( L/ D )

Day 2- Sept. 16th-Morning departure from Cuzco by bus through Chinchero to Urubamba and then continue into Ollantaytambo. We will check into our hotel and proceed to the archeological site of Ollantaytambo, the last stronghold of the Inca. After lunch the remainder of the afternoon can be spent relaxing in oldest habituated Inca town. Welcome dinner with staff introduction and orientation for the trek. Overnight at hotel. ( B/ L/ D ) ( 3 hours by train )

Day 3- Sept. 17th-Today the trip continues from Ollantaytambo by bus to Piscacucho (k.m. 82) the start of our trail. From here we will continue and visit the archeological site of Salapunku by the right bank of the Urubamba river continue to Q'anabamba, which conduce to Qoriwayrachina (k.m. 88) where we cross the bridge to Patallacta. Here we will make our camp at Patallacta.
Overnight in campsite. ( B/ L/D ) ( 4 hours hiking )

Day 4- Sept. 18th-Today we will visit the archeological site of Patallacta then continue on the left bank of Urubamba river to the sites of Machu Q'ente &Wayna Q'ente. After a short rest we will continue to Torontoy where we will re- cross the bridge over the Pacaymayo River. We will continue until we arrive into Chachabamba that afternoon. Overnight in campsite. ( B/ L/D ) ( 6 hours hiking )

Day 5- Sept. 19th-Early departure to a spiritual place known as Chachabamba. We will then continue ascending the trek until we reach Choquesuysuy, a well noted archeological site. After a short break, continue approximately 2 hours until we arrive into the spectacular site Wiñaywayna "forever young" which has a row of fountains and magnificent terraces. Our time will as well allow to visit the terraces of Intipata where our camp will be set.
Overnight in campsite. ( B/ L/D ) ( 3 hours hiking )

Day 6- Sept. 20th-After breakfast we begin our hike into Machu Picchu, via the Inti Punku Pass or Sun Gate. From there we will admire the massiveness of the lost city, Machu Picchu. As we descend into the site our guide will explain the history & the myths that surrounds the fabled archaeological wonder. Afternoon our lunch we will return to Aguas Calientes for the remainder of the day on own. Overnight in campsite. ( B/ L/D ) ( 3 hours hiking )

Day 7- Sept. 21st-We welcome the sunrise with a morning trek into Machu Picchu. Our time will be spent in details of the inner structures of the Machu Picchu. Lunch will again be spent at the site. Afternoon return to our hotel in Aguas Calientes. Overnight at hotel.( B/ L/D ) ( full day Machu Picchu )

Day 8- Sept. 22nd-Full day on your own at Machu Picchu. Return in the afternoon by auto wagon train to Cuzco and transfer to the your hotel.
Overnight at hotel.( B/ L/D ( 3.5 hours by train to Cuzco )

Day 9- Sept. 23rd-Our staff will transfer you to the Cuzco airport for your departing flight to Lima. ( B ) ( 1 hour flight )

September 20 - 30, 2001
11 Days / 10 Nights

Day 1- Sept. 20th-Arrive into Lima transfer on your own for the flight to Cuzco. Our staff will meet and transfer you to the hotel. Afternoon City tour of Cuzco and the sites of Koricancha, Tambo Machay, Kenko, Pucapucara and Sacsayhauman. Early evening return to your hotel. Overnight at your hotel. ( L/ D )

Day 2- Sept. 21st-Morning departure from Cuzco by auto wagon train to the town of Aguas Calientes / Machu Picchu. Transfer by bus to the archaeological site of Machu Picchu. Today our guide will explain the history & the myths that surround this archaeological wonder. Remainder of the afternoon on your own. Welcome dinner with staff introduction and orientation for the trek. Overnight at hotel. ( L/ D ) ( 3.5 hours by train )

Day 3- Sept. 22nd-Mid- morning departure from Machu Picchu for a short trek of about two hours to Mandor. After lunch we will continue to Santa Teresa with a full day trek into the cloud forest. Overnight in campsite. ( B/ L/D ) ( 5 hours hiking )

Day 4- Sept. 23rd-The journey today continues by bus down to Chaullay and the Vilcabamba Valley, until we arrive to Wankakalli through Lucma. After our lunch we will arrive into Vitcos where we will visit the archeological site of Vitcos & Yuracrumi.( Ñustahispana ) Return to Wankakalli. Overnight in campsite. ( B/ L/D ) ( 4 hours bus & 3 hours hiking )

Day 5- Sept. 24th-After a early breakfast we will travel by horse / hiking to Vilcabamba La Vieja (the old) through the Qollpaq'asa pass through Ututo where we will view the vegetation of the cloud forest whose climate is template-hot. After our lunch break depart towards Vista Alegre, (Happy View ) a semi tropical region just before San Fernando and the Pampaconas Valley. Were we will set our camp along the Pampaconas River. In this area we will have the opportunity of fishing for trout and other smaller species. Overnight in campsite. ( B/L/D ) ( 7 hours hiking ) ( optional : 5 hours by horseback )

Day 6- Sept. 25th-After breakfast we entered to the valley of Vilcabamba where it is hot and humid. We will travel through the jungle areas Cedrroccasa to San Martin and then to Concevidayoc. This is a favorite place, where we will appreciate abundant flora and fauna as well as pass through coffee, banana, coca and sugar cane plantations. Over night in Concevidayoc. Overnight in campsite. ( B/L/D ) ( 6 hours hiking ) ( optional : 4 hours by horseback )

Day 7- Sept. 26th-Today we will travel east, toward the Pampaconas River, which will lead us to Espiritu Pampa. Here like natural vantage point, you can appreciate the plateau which is formed by the triangle between the Pampaconas River and Chontabamba at the base of the mountain of the archaeological site of Espiritu Pampa. Here our camp will be set in the village of Chontabamba. Overnight in campsite.( B/L/D ) ( 4 hours hiking ) ( optional :2 hours by horseback )

Day 8- Sept. 27th-Today the last day of the trek will take us into the valley where we visit the famous site of Espiritu Pampa, known as the last settlement of the Inca. Later we will continue towards the Inca stone bridge of Rumichaca. After our lunch we will continue towards Chiwankiri were our camp will be set for the night. Tonight after our final day of trekking we will enjoy a traditional Pachamanca barbeque that will be cooked by the local Chiwankirians. Overnight in campsite.( B/L/D ) ( 6 hours hiking ) ( optional :4 hours by horseback )

Day 9- Sept. 28th-Our journey of this day is by a terrestrial road, in a bus toward the city of Kiteni that will lead us to Quillabamba. Here we will spend the night on the beach of Sambaray. Overnight in campsite.( B/L/D ) ( 7 hours by bus )

Day 10- Sept. 29th-Morning departure from Quillabamba we travel through the Malaga Valley, passing by Amparaes & Calca. Return in the late afternoon to Cuzco and your hotel. Overnight at hotel.( B/L ) (8 hours by bus )

Day 11- Sept. 30th-Our staff will transfer you to the Cuzco airport for your departing flight to Lima. ( B ) ( 1 hour flight )

September 15 - 30, 2001
Distance & Days
Part I Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu
9 Days & 8 nights
Part II Machu Picchu to Espiritu Pampa
11 Days & 10 nights
$2399 .00
Part I-II Ollantaytambo to Espiritu Pampa
16 Days & 15 nights

Package includes:
All inclusive of internal flights, hotels, meals, tours, english & multi-lingual speaking guide, cook, camp gear, portage of equipment,transfers & entry fees.


Distance & Days
Part I Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu
5 Days & 4 nights(3 camp/2 hotel)
$ 869.00 $ 819.00
Part II Ollantaytambo to Vitcos
9 Days & 8 nights(6 camp/2 hotel)
$1219.00 $1159.00
Part III Machu Picchu to Espiritu Pampa
9 Days & 8 nights(7 camp/1 hotel)
$1259 .00 $1199.00
Part I-III Ollantaytambo to Espiritu Pampa
15 Days & 14 nights(12 camp/2 hotel)
$1989.00 $1849.00

Package includes:
All gear, hotels, english & multi-lingual speaking guide, transfers, entry fees and meals where noted on the program.

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